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Quality assurance, clinical audit and research

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We regularly perform clinical audits to identify, assess, correct, and monitor important aspects of patient care, in order to enhance the quality of healthcare we deliver. These results are presented and discussed in peer review meetings.  Last year, we completed studies in hypospadias, posterior urethral valves, bladder exstrophy, pyeloplasty, and robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Results showed that our care has been in line with current international standards.

We frequently review new management algorithms and surgical procedures by attending local and international medical conferences, reviewing medical literature, and meeting with vendors and developers. Prior to adopting any new procedure, we evaluate their safety, efficacy and suitability, and costs and benefits for our patients. Feel free to bring up new procedures and discuss them with us.

We also collaborate with HKUST in bioengineering research, attempting to use artificial intelligence and deep learning to identify prostate cancer.